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Re: heads-up: IPSEC is now FAST_IPSEC

On 11/Jan - 06:07, Geoff Wing wrote:
> Matthias Drochner <> typed:
> : I've just made FAST_IPSEC the default implementation which gets
> : used if the IPSEC kernel option is present.
> : In common setups, it should work at least as good as the old
> : (KAME) implementation.
> I thought it couldn't do all the same encryption algorithms as the KAME
> version, eg. aes-ctr.  Am I wrong?

Nowadays, FAST IPSEC supports all algorithms supported by KAME, the
missing one was AES-XCBC-MAC for AH, but Matthias added it 7 month ago
(fast ipsec supports even more encryption algorithm than Kame one).


Arnaud Degroote

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