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Linux emulation problem? [was Re: Please review wip/libreoffice3-bin]

On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 05:12:08AM +0900, Ryo ONODERA wrote:
> I have packaged wip/libreoffice3-bin.
> I am not familiar with the package that use linux emulation.
> Could you please to review it?

I would have liked to try it out, but a dependency fails for me,

if [ ! -x /distfiles/jre-6u24-linux-i586.bin ]; then     /bin/chmod +x 
/distfiles/jre-6u24-linux-i586.bin;       fi
=> Checksum SHA1 OK for jre-6u24-linux-i586.bin
=> Checksum RMD160 OK for jre-6u24-linux-i586.bin
work -> /scratch/lang/sun-jre6/work
===> Installing dependencies for sun-jre6-6.0.24
The supported build options for sun-jre6 are:


You can select which build options to use by setting PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS
or the following variable.  Its current value is shown:

        PKG_OPTIONS.sun-jre6 (not defined)

=> Build dependency checkperms>=1.1: found checkperms-1.11
=> Full dependency suse32_compat>=6.4: found suse32_compat-11.3
=> Full dependency suse32_locale>=6.4: found suse32_locale-11.3
=> Full dependency suse32_x11>=6.4: found suse32_x11-11.3
===> Overriding tools for sun-jre6-6.0.24
===> Extracting for sun-jre6-6.0.24
unzipsfx:  cannot find myself! [./install.sfx.3022]
*** Error code 1


The ktrace output around that part is:
  5057      1 sh       CALL  execve(0x622590,0x6225b8,0x6225c8)
  5057      1 sh       NAMI  "./install.sfx.5683"
  5057      1 sh       NAMI  "/emul/linux32"
  5057      1 sh       NAMI  "/emul/linux32/lib/"
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 EMUL  "linux32"
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   syscall -1 errno -2 No such file or 
  5683      1 sh       RET   __vfork14 5057/0x13c1
  5683      1 sh       CALL  getpgrp
  5683      1 sh       RET   getpgrp 4189/0x105d
  5683      1 sh       CALL  __wait450(0xffffffff,0x7f7fffffd4c4,0,0)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  brk(0)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   brk 134623232/0x8063000
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  uname(0xbffff6b6)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   uname 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  netbsd32_access(0xfbff9057,4)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 NAMI  "/emul/linux32/etc/"
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 NAMI  "/etc/"
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   netbsd32_access -1 errno -2 No such file 
or directory
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  open(0xfbff933b,0,0)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 NAMI  "/emul/linux32/etc/"
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   open 3
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  fstat64(3,0xbffff398)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   fstat64 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  mmap2(0,0x2e30,1,2,3,0)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   mmap2 4227706880/0xfbfdb000
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  netbsd32_close(3)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   netbsd32_close 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  open(0xfbfdd706,0,0)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 NAMI  "/emul/linux32/lib/"
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   open 3
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  netbsd32_read(3,0xbffff4b0,0x200)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 GIO   fd 3 read 512 bytes
        \^B\M-s\^C\0\0  \0\0\0\0\^B\0\0\^N\0\0\0\2400\^PD\M^@ 
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   netbsd32_read 512/0x200
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  fstat64(3,0xbffff3d8)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   fstat64 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  mmap2(0,0x1000,3,0x22,0xffffffff,0)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   mmap2 4227702784/0xfbfda000
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  mmap2(0,0x1699c8,5,0x802,3,0)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   mmap2 4226220032/0xfbe70000
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  #250 (unimplemented fadvise64)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   #250 (unimplemented fadvise64) -1 errno 
-38 Too many processes
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  mprotect(0xfbfd3000,0x1000,0)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   mprotect 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  mmap2(0xfbfd4000,0x3000,3,0x812,3,0x163)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   mmap2 4227678208/0xfbfd4000
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   mmap2 4227690496/0xfbfd7000
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  netbsd32_close(3)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   netbsd32_close 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  mmap2(0,0x1000,3,0x22,0xffffffff,0)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   mmap2 4226215936/0xfbe6f000
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  set_thread_area(0xbffff870)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   set_thread_area 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  open(0xfbff8d29,0,0xfffff)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 NAMI  "/emul/linux32/dev/urandom"
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 NAMI  "/dev/urandom"
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   open 3
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  netbsd32_read(3,0xbffff87c,4)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 GIO   fd 3 read 4 bytes
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   netbsd32_read 4
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  netbsd32_close(3)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   netbsd32_close 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  mprotect(0xfbfd4000,0x2000,1)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   mprotect 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  mprotect(0xfbffd000,0x1000,1)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   mprotect 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  netbsd32_munmap(0xfbfdb000,0x2e30)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   netbsd32_munmap 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   rt_sigaction 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   rt_sigaction 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   rt_sigaction 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   rt_sigaction 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  ioctl(1,_IO('T',0x13,0),0xbffff8b0)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   ioctl -1 errno -95 Operation not supported
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  netbsd32_write(1,0x8054678,0x49)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 GIO   fd 1 wrote 73 bytes
       "UnZipSFX 5.50 of 17 February 2002, by Info-ZIP 
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   netbsd32_write 73/0x49
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  brk(0)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   brk 134623232/0x8063000
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  brk(0x8086000)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   brk 134766592/0x8086000
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  open(0xfbf9a3ff,0,0x1b6)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 NAMI  "/emul/linux32/etc/localtime"
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 NAMI  "/etc/localtime"
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   open 3
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  fstat64(3,0xbffff870)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   fstat64 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  fstat64(3,0xbffff744)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   fstat64 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  mmap2(0,0x1000,3,0x22,0xffffffff,0)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   mmap2 4227715072/0xfbfdd000
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  netbsd32_read(3,0xfbfdd000,0x1000)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 GIO   fd 3 read 56 bytes
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   netbsd32_read 56/0x38
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  netbsd32_close(3)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   netbsd32_close 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  netbsd32_munmap(0xfbfdd000,0x1000)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   netbsd32_munmap 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  stat64(0xbffffb1c,0xbffff8a0)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 NAMI  "./install.sfx.5683"
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   stat64 0
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  ioctl(1,_IO('T',0x13,0),0xbffff8d0)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   ioctl -1 errno -95 Operation not supported
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  netbsd32_write(2,0x8054678,0x34)
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 GIO   fd 2 wrote 52 bytes
       "unzipsfx:  cannot find myself! [./install.sfx.5683]\n"
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 RET   netbsd32_write 52/0x34
  5057   5057 install.sfx.5683 CALL  exit_group(9)
  5683      1 sh       RET   __wait450 5057/0x13c1
  5683      1 sh       CALL  __stat50(0x622658,0x7f7fffffd420)

It's amd64/5.99.51, and the WRKSRC is on tmpfs. Not sure what else would be 

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