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Re: Cross-building on Mac OS X with -isysroot

>> I am cross-buildling NetBSD on Mac OS X with -isysroot in HOST_CPPFLAGS, but 
>> nbhost-mkdep does not understand -isysroot flag. I would like to have the 
>> following patch applied:
> What does -isysroot do?
> Thor

-isysroot=dir: Use dir as the logical root directory for headers. For example, 
if the compiler would normally search for headers in /usr/include, it will 
instead search dir/usr/include.

On Mac OS X this flag is used to point to a SDK directory with complete set of 
compilers, headers and libraries, frameworks, etc., for example:
CPPFLAGS+=  -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
LDFLAGS+=  -Wl,-syslibroot,/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk

I use an environment where Xcode is installed without "UNIX Development" set of 
tools and I need -isysroot to compile NetBSD and PkgSrc.

Cheers :)

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