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problem with sockets

Hi everyone,

Since upgrading to 5.99.36 using sources from yesterday, I see new
error messages printed by programs that depend on UNIX socket files
for communication.  In particular, modular Xorg prints a never-ending
sequence of the following messages:

_XSERVTransSocketINETAccept: accept() failed
_XSERVTransSocketUNIXAccept: accept() failed

which appear in bursts, and wpa_cli continuously prints:

'PING' command timed out.
Connection to wpa_supplicant lost - trying to reconnect
Connection to wpa_supplicant re-established
Warning: Failed to attach to wpa_supplicant.

Both programs seem to function normally otherwise (although Xorg has
become very slow).  It is my guess that the two problems are related
and both have to do with sockets, but I don't know how to proceed in
order to confirm/disprove this and track down the cause of the
problem, and would appreciate any help.


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