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Re: Enabling drm?

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 10:02:26AM -0700, Paul Goyette wrote:
>    2. Mesa (see should be compiled for the
>       netbsd-dri target, patch available at
> The patch at that location doesn't seem relevant.  At the very least,  
> there's not enough directory-path context to figure out which files  
> should be patched.  For example, the first chunk in the patch attempts  
> to insert a line
>        netbsd \
>       +netbsd-dri \
>        openbsd \
> in a file named Makefile, but
>       find $SRCDIR -name Makefile | xargs grep 'openbsd \\'
> gives no results.
> The second patch chunk attempts to update a file named 'configs/netbsd'  
> but there's no configs directory anywhere in my $SRCDIR.  The final  
> patch chunk creates a new file configs/netbsd-dri but again there's no  
> such directory in which to place the new file!
> Hints/clues, anyone?

Apply the patch to xsrc/external/mit/MesaLib/dist/


Geert Hendrickx  -=-  -=-  PGP: 0xC4BB9E9F
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