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Re: Known issue with raidframe, or should I file a bug?

Brian Buhrow writes:
>       hello.  I've got a NetBSD-4 box which is runing raidframe with a bunch
> of disks raided together in  raid5 fashon.  Right now, we're experiencing a
> rash of disk failures which is causing me to exercise the recovery
> procedures of the raidframe subsystem quite heavily.   This morning, I ran
> into what looks like a bug and I wonder if  anyone has  seen it before and
> if it's a known issue, or if I should file a pr against it?
>       the issue is that if the drive fails which you're reconstructing to,
> you get an error message telling you that the  reconstruction failed, but
> the raid_recon process doesn't exit.  Instead, it just sits there in
> raidframe wait until you reboot.  What this means is that if you have
> another spare disk to use, you can't try reconstructing to it until you
> reboot.
>       If this is not a known issue, I'll file a pr on it.

It's not a known issue, and shouldn't be happening.  Please file the 


Greg Oster

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