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Re: [OT] Re: What netbook to you run NetBSD on? (-> netbook.xml)

Swift Griggs wrote:
On Tue, 21 Oct 2008, Sarton O'Brien wrote:
On Tuesday 21 October 2008 01:24:02 Hubert Feyrer wrote:
we currently list the Asus EeePC 701 and 90x as supported[1], and I
I hadn't realised the 901 was classed as supported. I have one I've been using as an ad-hoc media centre but windows really sucks and the quality of support

I have an Asus EeePC model 900. Supposedly, it's basically the same as the 70x but has a larger screen and a higher default clock speed (900Mhz). The ethernet interface works using current and the lii(4) driver. The wireless doesn't work unless you apply Jared's patch (for some reason, it's not in the kernel, yet.) However, it will only stay up for a few minutes before it stops passing traffic and refuses to function or be reset. For now, I use an external usb ral(4) based dongle. The latest pkgsrc's Xorg works very nicely on it and supports the native 1024x600 resolution. Sound works, also. Oddly, I've found that I can turn the volume up using mixerctl to much higher levels than are available when running XP. It's the first time the Azailia drivers have worked so well for me.
I don't really understand why we need to use mixerctl to be able to adjust the volume level when the same device works nicely with linux drivers...

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