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Re: definition of _GLIBCXX_HAVE_SWPRINTF (Brook Milligan) writes:
> It seems that no file in /usr/include on a NetBSD 4.0 machine defines
> the value of _GLIBCXX_HAVE_SWPRINTF, yet /usr/include/g++/cwchar uses
> it and it seems that /usr/include/wchar.h provides a correct
> declaration that can be imported into the std namespace by cwhar.
> Thus, it seems that this macro should in fact be defined.
> Is there a rationale for not defining it?

Well, I'll point out that NetBSD doesn't use glibc, so it would be an
odd thing to define. That said, something might be done so that the
include file knows that swprintf is available.


> I ask because I have some software that fails to build under NetBSD
> solely because it expects std::swprintf to be defined.  If that macro
> is defined, for example on the command line, everything compiles fine.
> Thus I suspect that there might be a missing macro definition
> somewhere, perhaps in c++config.h.  But then again, perhaps I'm
> missing something.  Please help explain this.
> Thanks alot.
> Cheers,
> Brook

Perry E. Metzger      

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