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Re: lsof

On 16-May-08, at 11:42 PM, Mark Davies wrote:

On Saturday 17 May 2008 15:20:19 Paul Goyette wrote:
Why not just add

        #include <stdbool.h>


Because if you do just hit the real problems  :-)

Why not just use fstat?  (and/or pstat)   0.25 :-)

Seriously I don't understand why anyone would be bothered to even want to use lsof on *BSD, never mind try to port and maintain it, other than just to say it can be done, but that's pretty lame all by itself.

If someone can show some real useful feature of lsof that's lacking in native tools then that's a good project to add that feature to one of the native tools.

                                        Greg A. Woods; Planix, Inc.

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