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Re: rsync server down on anoncvs again

On 8-Apr-08, at 1:52 PM, Hisashi T Fujinaka wrote:
I think I told you before that you're supposed to send these messages to At least cc them.
Thank you!

I've looked and looked and looked all over for any hint as to where to report such issues, but even just now again I still can't find any hint whatsoever on about where to send reports. The only contact and feedback links I can find about and its services are for the web pages themselves.
I think I tried the "obvious" <> once before but that  
address still doesn't exist.  Neither does <>, as  
suggested by rfc2142 and de facto practice.  There isn't even a < 
> address as strongly suggested by rfc2142.
                                        Greg A. Woods; Planix, Inc.

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