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make clean and lib/libasn1/asn1_compile/ and lib/libcom_err/compile_et/

I ran:

        time ./ -U -O ./obj tools kernel=GENERIC

And it failed like:

cat parse.c >> parse.c.1
mv parse.c.1 parse.c
cc  -o make-print-version 
ld: warning: i386 architecture of input file 
is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output
./make-print-version print_version.h
[1]   Segmentation fault (core dumped) ./make-print-ver...

*** Failed target:  print_version.h
*** Failed command: ./make-print-version print_version.h
*** Error code 139

nbmake: stopped in /usr/src/tools/asn1_compile

*** Failed target:  dependall-asn1_compile
*** Failed command: _makedirtarget() { dir="$1"; shift; target="$1"; 
shift; case "${dir}" in /*) this="${dir}/"; real="${dir}" ;; .) this=""; 
real="/usr/src/tools" ;; *) this="${dir}/"; real="/usr/src/tools/${dir}" 
;; esac; show=${this:-.};
 echo "${target} ===> ${show%/}${1:+ (with: $@)}"; cd "${real}" && 
_THISDIR_="${this}" "$@" ${target}; }; _makedirtarget asn1_compile 
*** Error code 1

nbmake: stopped in /usr/src/tools

So I had some 32-bit i386 objects in there but now building on 64-bit 

It looks like "make clean" doesn't recurse down into:



  Jeremy C. Reed

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