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Re: printer recommendations

I have a

ulpt0 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0
ulpt0: Hewlett-Packard hp LaserJet 1320 series, rev 1.10/1.00, addr 2, iclass 
ulpt0: using bi-directional mode
ulpt0: at uhub3 port 2 (addr 2) disconnected

which has been just fine, both in terms of low netbsd grief and also
working without jamming.  I use CUPS to print to it.

It is black/white, laser, double sided.  The only bug is that when
configured with cups for double sided printing and you print one page is
still does the double-sided eject-mostly/re-acquire/print-blank-on-back
thing, but that's been very easy to ignore.

If you don't print much you really don't want inkjet.

I suspect the color HP laser printers are ok too.

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