Subject: Re: Default 'login.conf' in new installs?
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/11/2006 15:59:38
In message <20061011205747.GD9078@cyclonus>, Christian Biere writes:
>I'd say root should have its own class and you don't really want to limit
>it, I think. At least, that's what I use. I'm not found of generic classes
>or settings for "daemon". There are all kinds of daemons and they usually
>have a very precise purpose. So if you care about these settings you
>certainly want to have an own class for each of them.

Quite possibly.  BSD/OS used the 'daemon' class for root, and it had larger
but non-infinite limits, because many system services are traditionally run
as root (this was a few years back, before the uid-for-everything policy was
commonplace) and need larger datasize limits.

>What are the correct limits? I think for general purpose users most of these
>are not very useful and do more harm than good. For example, it would be nice to
>limit the amount of memory a user may use but these limits are per shell or
>process which means it's recursive. So unless you several hundred GiB of RAM
>or use really draconian settings, these limits are not horribly useful.

But we already HAVE them; there are default limits.  I just propose to have
them expressed in an editable text file rather than buried in the kernel.
