Subject: Re: disklabeling a 5 TB partition!?
To: None <>
From: Markus W Kilbinger <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/04/2006 17:18:25
>>>>> "Zafer" == Zafer Aydogan <> writes:

    Zafer> Have you tried LFS ? I would be interested in the LFS
    Zafer> results, even if it fails. Try newfs_lfs -D -A raid0a.

    Christos> Try trashing your disklabel with dd if=/dev/zero
    Christos> of=/dev/rraid0d count=1

Both do not change the limited (1666108800) size/usage of raid0, the
kernel still maintains its (wrong) idea of the (imited) disk size. How
to resolve that (Is there a kernel side disk size limit of about 2
