Subject: Re: utmp_update broken
To: oliver gould <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/20/2006 22:54:06
On Tue, 20 Jun 2006 22:09:19 -0400, oliver gould <>

> Hello.
> I have just updated kernel / userland.  Now I get the following error
> when opening an xterm:
> utmp_update: Cannot update utmp entry: Resource temporarily unavailable
> utmp_update: Cannot update utmp entry: Undefined error: 0
> [snip - repeated ~10x]
> I am also attempting to su to root in X results in a `permission
> denied', yet logging on as root on the console works fine.
> Furthermore, the process table is full.  There are numerous errant
> processes clogging it:
> 160 ttyp1 I+   0:00.00 utmp_update ver\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000
> [snip - repeated a LOT]
> The configuration is known to be good as of June 11th.
Were you root when you compiled?  Did you use -U?  What does
'ls -l /usr/bin/su' show?

		--Steven M. Bellovin,