Subject: Re: "sendmail" configuration file issue should be fixed
To: <>
From: Eric Schnoebelen <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/16/2006 12:12:26
Daniel Carosone writes:
- On Thu, Jun 15, 2006 at 12:22:52PM -0500, Eric Schnoebelen wrote:
- > Have the coverty fixes been passed upstream to Ian
- > Taylor?  If not, that would be good to do.
- That would be, then.  What kind of "upstream" did you
- have in mind?  (I have no idea whether he's had time or inclination to
- look at them, but they're certainly right there if he does.)

	I'd forgotten that Ian was a committer
(although it seems to be mostly compiler/bin-utils related from
what I've seen.)

	The "upstream" I had in mind was Ian's CVS (SVN?)

Eric Schnoebelen
		"Operator?, I'd like to make a syscall, please."