Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/distrib/sets/lists
To: Hisashi T Fujinaka <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/01/2006 15:26:40
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On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 09:46:19PM -0700, Hisashi T Fujinaka wrote:
> I am not in core. I can not read any of core's publications. Core is a
> secret cabal, in this sense.

No comment on this point.. :)

> I used stock sendmail. I tried to convert my -current system to use
> pkgsrc sendmail and there are pieces missing (like an rc.d script).

These things will be resolved, as will several other items along the
way.  We will also have more detailed announcements about the
reasoning behind the change (summarising the thread from a few months
ago) and advising users of the various migration paths, in due course.

> Yeah, I know -current isn't supposed to work all the time, but I usually
> try to let people know when things are quite broken (like sendmail or
> nfs for example in the last week).
> I am probably the one of the few unhappy about this whole thing, but I
> thought I should probably let someone know.

Absolutely.  We expect there to be some fallout, and concrete
constructive information from users about what breaks for them is


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