Subject: Re: Problem to 2.2 to 3.0_STABLE
To: None <>
From: walt <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/03/2006 05:20:38
Rubén González Arnau wrote:
>> Are the permissions correct on 'su' ?
>> Can you try running postinstall and etcupdate?
>> On 4/2/06, Rubén González Arnau <> wrote:
>>> Hi, upgrading to 2.2 to 3.0_STABLE su and passwd does not work, I assume
>>> that problem comes from pam auth, no idea how to fix it.
>>> su workd fine with users, but it does not work with root!
>>> # passwd
>>> Unable to change auth token: Module is unknown
>>> # su
>>> Undefined symbol "_openpam_debug" referenced from COPY relocation in su
>>> Any idea how to fix it?
>>> Thanks in advance
> ls -l /usr/bin/su
> -r-sr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  17975 Jan  2 07:05 /usr/bin/su

Are you sure you are really running /usr/bin/su ?  There is one pkgsrc
package (can't remember which one) that installs it's own copy of su
in /usr/pkg/bin every time the package is updated.  I just delete the
su in /usr/pkg/bin.