Subject: Re: Current won't build
To: conte zero <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/08/2006 08:56:28
On Feb 8, 11:16am, (conte zero) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: Current won't build

| Hello,
| I have download the netbsd-current and try to build on a redhat linux
| (uname -a Linux server 2.4.21-4.ELsmp) with this command:
|   $ ./ -m amd64 -N 2 -U tools
| but get this error:
|   ...
|   #    create  compat/md2hl.d
|   /home/devel1/netbsd/src/tooldir.Linux-2.4.21-4.ELsmp-i686/bin/nbhost-mkde=
| p
| -f md2hl.d --      -I. -I./include
| -I/home/devel1/netbsd/src/tools/compat -DHAVE_NBTOOL_CONFIG_H=3D1=20
| /home/devel1/netbsd/src/tools/compat/../../lib/libc/hash/md2/md2hl.c
|   nbmake: don't know how to make md4c.c. Stop
|   nbmake: stopped in /home/devel1/netbsd/src/tools/compat
|   *** Failed target:  dependall-compat
|   *** Failed command: _makedirtarget() { dir=3D"$1"; shift; target=3D"$1";
| shift; case "${dir}" in /*) this=3D"${dir}/"; real=3D"${dir}" ;; .)
| this=3D""; real=3D"/home/devel1/netbsd/src/tools" ;; *) this=3D"${dir}/";
| real=3D"/home/devel1/netbsd/src/tools/${dir}" ;; esac; show=3D${this:-.};
| echo "${target} =3D=3D=3D> ${show%/}${1:+ (with: $@)}"; cd "${real}" &&
| /home/devel1/netbsd/src/tooldir.Linux-2.4.21-4.ELsmp-i686/bin/nbmake
| _THISDIR_=3D"${this}" "$@" ${target}; }; _makedirtarget compat dependall
|   *** Error code 2
|   Stop.
|   nbmake: stopped in /home/devel1/netbsd/src/tools
|   ERROR: Failed to make dependall tools
|   *** BUILD ABORTED ***
| I have open the file /home/devel1/netbsd/src/tools/compat/Makefile and
| look at SRCS
| variable:
|   SRCS=3D...
|        md2.c md2hl.c md4c.c md4hl.c md5c.c md5hl.c mkdtemp.c \
|        ...
| but md4c.c file don't exist in the current source tree. So must been
| add the md4c.c
| source to the source tree or remove md4c.c from makefile?
| After there is a problem with md5, because the source are in this directory=
| :
|   /home/devel1/netbsd/src/lib/libc/md/md5hl.c
|   /home/devel1/netbsd/src/dist/ntp/libntp/md5c.c
| but the -PATH variable in tools/compat/Makefile have this definition:
|   .PATH:...
|         ${.CURDIR}/../../lib/libc/hash/md5 \
|        ...
| what is the right solution according to netbsd-current develop?
| thanks

The path should also contain:

                ${.CURDIR}/../../common/lib/libc/md \

which is where those two files are, doesn't it?
