Subject: Re: i386-current not building distribution
To: None <>
From: Alan Barrett <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/05/2006 20:33:04
Should the sanitize_METALOG target in src/distrib/sets/Makefile use the
following script instead of (or as well as) "${TOOL_MTREE} -C ..."?

On Thu, 05 Jan 2006, Havard Eidnes wrote:
> ------------------------------
> #! /usr/bin/perl
> while (<>) {
>     chomp;
>     split;
>     $line{$_[0]} = $_;
> }
> foreach my $k (sort keys %line) {
>     printf("%s\n", $line{$k});
> }
> ------------------------------
> What this script does is two things:
> 1) where multiple entries exist for the same name, only include
>    the last one
> 2) spit the entries out in sorted order, so that the entry for
>    ./usr comes before ./usr/include/a.out.h (which it didn't,
>    which was probably the reason for mtree's complaint)

--apb (Alan Barrett)