Subject: Re: ipc errors/Linux Emulation NetBSD-3BETA using Oracle
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/02/2005 01:28:06
In article <30147198.1130883286472.JavaMail.root@cps8>, <> wrote:
>I have installed Oracle under NetBSD 3.0 (20051008), (Linux Emulation)
>When I do a startup of the database It doesn't work (gives the error:
>ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel)
>It appears that are not implmented all ipc calls. Is there some
>solution? Is it complex to fix this? My knowlodge about
>kernel programming are limited.
>Doing a ktrace -d -p pid_sql I obtain this trace (I only show the more
>relevant parts):

Try to recompile with a different MAX_SOPS define in <sys/sem.h> It is
currently 5. You might want to add a debugging message to see how much
is needed. If you need help doing that, please let me know.
