Subject: Please help: Do the BSD Usage Survey!
To: None <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/18/2005 08:43:34
Guys, get your webbrowser up and enter your NetBSD data here:

Result of this survey will have impact not only on BSD certification, but 
also product availability for things like books, software, etc. 
Go for it!

From the website[1]: ``The BSD Certification Group 
announced a new survey today - the BSD Usage Survey. This survey aims to 
collect detailed statistics on how and where BSD systems are used around 
the world. The survey is short- only 19 questions- and should only take a 
few minutes to complete. The English version is here, other language 
versions are available.

The survey covers usage of the four main BSD projects - FreeBSD, OpenBSD, 
NetBSD and DragonFly BSD. Included are questions on the number of systems 
in use; what services they provide; how they are managed and by how many 
administrators; and basic demographic questions about the company or 
organization- size, location, number of employees, and so forth.''


  - Hubert