Subject: Re: lib/30923
To: John Nemeth <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/24/2005 22:39:35
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On 2005.08.24 14:36:26 +0000, John Nemeth wrote:
| On Jan 14,  4:49pm, Rui Paulo wrote:
| } On 2005.08.24 13:28:30 +0000, John Nemeth wrote:
| } | On Jan 14, 10:01am, Rui Paulo wrote:
| } | } On 2005.08.24 16:18:25 +0000, Zafer Aydogan wrote:
| } | } | I wonder why lib/30923 is still open in 3.99.8
| } | } | A patch was provided.
| } | } | This should be pulled up to 2.1, where the same problem is far mo=
re e=3D
| } xplicit
| } | } | and tells me that root login is refused for root, when supplied w=
ith =3D
| } the
| } | } | correct root passwort.
| } | }=3D20
| } | } 2.1 doesn't have PAM. What about 3.0_BETA ?
| } |=3D20
| } |      PAM went in before the branch, so 3.0 will have it.
| }=20
| } I was not asking if 3.0_BETA has PAM, I was asking if it has the proble=
|      Since neither of the bugs in question have been fixed in -current,
| they won't be fixed on any branches.

Ok. I guess I was confused by the setence "I wonder why lib/30923 is still
open in 3.99.8"

		-- Rui Paulo

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