Subject: Re: How to help NetBSD help you.
To: Rhialto <>
From: Rick Kelly <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/13/2005 11:31:09
Rhialto said:

>Which method incurs the lowest charges to you, in case somebody has a
>PayPal account changed to a credit card in Euros? I expect it to be a
>paypal donation in Euros, which PayPal in turn charges to the credit
>card, but maybe my expectation is incorrect.

What the NetBSD Foundation needs is a way of accepting checks. I do not deal
with paypal/ebay and block them on my network. On the average, 700 people
are defrauded on a daily basis by paypal/ebay. According to Colorado bank
examiners, Colorado may ban paypal from doing business within the state.
When you use paypal, they stick their hands in your financial records,
although they are not a bank. I will not give any of my financial information
to paypal/ebay.
Rick Kelly
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