Subject: CVS use within NetBSD project?
To: None <>
From: Malcolm Herbert <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/17/2005 16:17:07
I'm at the stage now in a small project of my own where I've been using
CVS internally for development - I'm familiar with creating new
repositories, adding, commiting and merging within the one source tree
and I haven't had many problems with it.
Now I'd like to make a release 'branch' and then make it publically
available but so far I haven't had any experience with doing branches
with CVS apart from seeing what the NetBSD team do on a regular basis.
I'm expecting that there will need to be some bugfixes along the line
to the code as released and I also plan on going ahead with development
with other features etc, so am thinking I will definately need at least
two distinct branches of the source to work from ...
This seems to me something very similar to the NetBSD manner of doing
things and I was wondering whether there were any notes about how the
NetBSD core team uses CVS to manage releases, bugfixes and pullups and
all that sort of thing ... so far I've not had much luck finding
documentation on the web on CVS that gets beyond basic stuff like
creating repositories, adding/removing files, commits, merging files
and tagging.
I've done some playing with CVS to see if I could figure it out myself
and it seems that tagging is part of the solution, but I'm not sure how
to get CVS to treat two code branches independantly - any revisions I
make to one get merged into the other whenever I do an update to see
whether it worked ... most frustrating ...
Also, I'm well aware of the current 'CVS is dead, use
{subversion|arch|Perforce}' thing, but I'd like to make up my own mind
- and that means first working out how it works with CVS ... :)
Malcolm Herbert
Computer Support Officer
School of Geosciences
Monash University
ph 9905 4881