Subject: Re: Somewhat disappointed NetBSD newbie
To: None <>
From: Martijn van Buul <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/28/2005 09:46:43
It occurred to me that Piotr Meyer wrote in gmane.os.netbsd.current:
> On Sun, Mar 27, 2005 at 06:38:16PM -0600, Richard Rauch wrote:
>> Since this has mostly been addressed (and is the wrong list), I'm going
>> to be brief.  As others, I suggest that you post to netbsd-help for help
>> with using NetBSD.  Post to netbsd-users for general chatter.
> Zbigniew (as, probably, Polish-speaking man) should also consider
> following:

Just out of curiousity: Is the polish community that much stronger than, say,
the Dutch one? The regional-nl list is mindboggingly empty,
is just a mirror of the master site, the nl.comp.os.bsd usenet group only
gets a posting from the charter bot every now and then, and that's it. I'm
not that much into IRC, but I think if there is a Dutch IRC channel on 
NetBSD, it's bound to be quite silent. 

And it's not as if there's no Dutch NetBSD users - but apperently we mingle
more with the international crowd..