Subject: Re: pam, ssh, and pam_ssh
To: Christos Zoulas <>
From: maximum entropy <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/14/2005 23:53:30
Christos Zoulas wrote:
> On Mar 14,  3:51pm, (maximum entropy) wrote:
> -- Subject: Re: pam, ssh, and pam_ssh
> | # ssh -l entropy localhost
> | Connection closed by
> | 
> | Can you explain to me why you think this has anything to do with 
> | authorized_keys?  I see no mention of authorized_keys in the pam_ssh 
> | manpage.  It seems to me that even if you accomplish what I think you're 
> | trying to accomplish, then you're changing pam_ssh to do something 
> | fundamentally different from what it's documented to do.
> | 
> | Why are you so opposed to just disabling pam_ssh by default?  How is it 
> | in anyone's best interest for this to be the default behavior?  Several 
> | of us have already been burned by this.  If I got this behavior from a 
> | release I'd be furious right now...
> We can disable pam_ssh; I am not opposed to it at all. I am just
> trying to understand how pam_ssh is supposed to work in that framework.
> So if we disable pam_ssh from /etc/pam.d/sshd, do we disable UsePam from
> /etc/ssh/sshd_config? What happens for password authentication then?

I don't think it's necessary to disable UsePam.  Having sshd use the PAM 
authentication framework is a Good Thing (in my opinion) for the same 
reasons PAM is beneficial anywhere else.  It's just the specific *new* 
authentication method provided by that I think should be 
disabled by default.  With disabled, everything will be just 
like it was before by default in terms of password and crypto key 
authentication in sshd, which should make most of us happy.

entropy -- it's not just a good idea, it's the second law.