Subject: Re: is APPLE_UFS + FFS_EI enough to mount an Apple UFS on NetBSD/i386?
To: Jeff Rizzo <>
From: Mark Davies <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/05/2005 10:08:17
On Saturday 05 March 2005 09:12, Jeff Rizzo wrote:
> I've got a USB flash disk with an Apple UFS (formatted under MacOS
> 10.3.8) on it, that I'd like to be able to use under NetBSD/i386 - I
> recompiled my kernel with "options FFS_EI" and "options APPLE_UFS", but
> things don't quite work:

> This is a NetBSD/i386 2.99.14 system - is there anything else I'm
> missing?  Has anyone gotten this to work?  Should I send-pr?

See PR 26823.  I applied the second of Michael Hitch's patches, along with 
options FFS_EI and options APPLE_UFS and it allowed me to mount an Apple UFS 
filesystem on a NetBSD/i386 2.99.10 system.
