Subject: Re: netbsd symbol table has bad start address 0x1
To: Park Chan-youn <>
From: Jachym Holecek <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/23/2005 05:57:59

[I hit reply-to instead of group-reply previously.]

> >It might be worth telling *what machine type* are you booting.
> I'm developing a customized version of NetBSD on Sandpoint-based system.
> >What did you do to the system just before you started seeing that 
> >message?
> Unfortunately, I found that message after many changes had been made, so 
>     I don't know exactly what have occured this problem. But I only 
> modified machine-dependent part of the kernel.

Just guessing from a look at sandpoint: make sure you set startsym (and
endsym) variables correctly in locore.S. Maybe you rewrite r3 and/or r4
somewhere before that piece of code?

Also, this doesn't probably belong to current-users...

		-- Jachym Holecek