Subject: Re: UFS incorrect super block
To: None <>
From: david <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/13/2005 18:23:17
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here the output is :)


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powerbook# uname -a
NetBSD powerbook.serah.tvb 2.99.15 NetBSD 2.99.15 (DREAM) #3: Fri Feb 11 05:42:24 UTC 2005  root@powerbook.serah.tvb:/usr/obj/sys/arch/macppc/compile/DREAM macppc
powerbook# newfs /dev/rwd0h
/dev/rwd0h: 19456.0MB (39845888 sectors) block size 4096, fragment size 1024
        using 967 cylinder groups of 20.12MB, 5151 blks, 4992 inodes.
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
       32,    41240,    82448,   123656,   164864,   206072,   247280,   288488,
   329696,   370904,   412112,   453320,   494528,   535736,   576944,   618152,
   659360,   700568,   741776,   782984,   824192,   865400,   906608,   947816,
   989024,  1030232,  1071440,  1112648,  1153856,  1195064,  1236272,  1277480,
  1318688,  1359896,  1401104,  1442312,  1483520,  1524728,  1565936,  1607144,
  1648352,  1689560,  1730768,  1771976,  1813184,  1854392,  1895600,  1936808,
  1978016,  2019224,  2060432,  2101640,  2142848,  2184056,  2225264,  2266472,
  2307680,  2348888,  2390096,  2431304,  2472512,  2513720,  2554928,  2596136,
  2637344,  2678552,  2719760,  2760968,  2802176,  2843384,  2884592,  2925800,
  2967008,  3008216,  3049424,  3090632,  3131840,  3173048,  3214256,  3255464,
  3296672,  3337880,  3379088,  3420296,  3461504,  3502712,  3543920,  3585128,
  3626336,  3667544,  3708752,  3749960,  3791168,  3832376,  3873584,  3914792,
  3956000,  3997208,  4038416,  4079624,  4120832,  4162040,  4203248,  4244456,
  4285664,  4326872,  4368080,  4409288,  4450496,  4491704,  4532912,  4574120,
  4615328,  4656536,  4697744,  4738952,  4780160,  4821368,  4862576,  4903784,
  4944992,  4986200,  5027408,  5068616,  5109824,  5151032,  5192240,  5233448,
  5274656,  5315864,  5357072,  5398280,  5439488,  5480696,  5521904,  5563112,
  5604320,  5645528,  5686736,  5727944,  5769152,  5810360,  5851568,  5892776,
  5933984,  5975192,  6016400,  6057608,  6098816,  6140024,  6181232,  6222440,
  6263648,  6304856,  6346064,  6387272,  6428480,  6469688,  6510896,  6552104,
  6593312,  6634520,  6675728,  6716936,  6758144,  6799352,  6840560,  6881768,
  6922976,  6964184,  7005392,  7046600,  7087808,  7129016,  7170224,  7211432,
  7252640,  7293848,  7335056,  7376264,  7417472,  7458680,  7499888,  7541096,
  7582304,  7623512,  7664720,  7705928,  7747136,  7788344,  7829552,  7870760,
  7911968,  7953176,  7994384,  8035592,  8076800,  8118008,  8159216,  8200424,
  8241632,  8282840,  8324048,  8365256,  8406464,  8447672,  8488880,  8530088,
  8571296,  8612504,  8653712,  8694920,  8736128,  8777336,  8818544,  8859752,
  8900960,  8942168,  8983376,  9024584,  9065792,  9107000,  9148208,  9189416,
  9230624,  9271832,  9313040,  9354248,  9395456,  9436664,  9477872,  9519080,
  9560288,  9601496,  9642704,  9683912,  9725120,  9766328,  9807536,  9848744,
  9889952,  9931160,  9972368, 10013576, 10054784, 10095992, 10137200, 10178408,
 10219616, 10260824, 10302032, 10343240, 10384448, 10425656, 10466864, 10508072,
 10549280, 10590488, 10631696, 10672904, 10714112, 10755320, 10796528, 10837736,
 10878944, 10920152, 10961360, 11002568, 11043776, 11084984, 11126192, 11167400,
 11208608, 11249816, 11291024, 11332232, 11373440, 11414648, 11455856, 11497064,
 11538272, 11579480, 11620688, 11661896, 11703104, 11744312, 11785520, 11826728,
 11867936, 11909144, 11950352, 11991560, 12032768, 12073976, 12115184, 12156392,
 12197600, 12238808, 12280016, 12321224, 12362432, 12403640, 12444848, 12486056,
 12527264, 12568472, 12609680, 12650888, 12692096, 12733304, 12774512, 12815720,
 12856928, 12898136, 12939344, 12980552, 13021760, 13062968, 13104176, 13145384,
 13186592, 13227800, 13269008, 13310216, 13351424, 13392632, 13433840, 13475048,
 13516256, 13557464, 13598672, 13639880, 13681088, 13722296, 13763504, 13804712,
 13845920, 13887128, 13928336, 13969544, 14010752, 14051960, 14093168, 14134376,
 14175584, 14216792, 14258000, 14299208, 14340416, 14381624, 14422832, 14464040,
 14505248, 14546456, 14587664, 14628872, 14670080, 14711288, 14752496, 14793704,
 14834912, 14876120, 14917328, 14958536, 14999744, 15040952, 15082160, 15123368,
 15164576, 15205784, 15246992, 15288200, 15329408, 15370616, 15411824, 15453032,
 15494240, 15535448, 15576656, 15617864, 15659072, 15700280, 15741488, 15782696,
 15823904, 15865112, 15906320, 15947528, 15988736, 16029944, 16071152, 16112360,
 16153568, 16194776, 16235984, 16277192, 16318400, 16359608, 16400816, 16442024,
 16483232, 16524440, 16565648, 16606856, 16648064, 16689272, 16730480, 16771688,
 16812896, 16854104, 16895312, 16936520, 16977728, 17018936, 17060144, 17101352,
 17142560, 17183768, 17224976, 17266184, 17307392, 17348600, 17389808, 17431016,
 17472224, 17513432, 17554640, 17595848, 17637056, 17678264, 17719472, 17760680,
 17801888, 17843096, 17884304, 17925512, 17966720, 18007928, 18049136, 18090344,
 18131552, 18172760, 18213968, 18255176, 18296384, 18337592, 18378800, 18420008,
 18461216, 18502424, 18543632, 18584840, 18626048, 18667256, 18708464, 18749672,
 18790880, 18832088, 18873296, 18914504, 18955712, 18996920, 19038128, 19079336,
 19120544, 19161752, 19202960, 19244168, 19285376, 19326584, 19367792, 19409000,
 19450208, 19491416, 19532624, 19573832, 19615040, 19656248, 19697456, 19738664,
 19779872, 19821080, 19862288, 19903496, 19944704, 19985912, 20027120, 20068328,
 20109536, 20150744, 20191952, 20233160, 20274368, 20315576, 20356784, 20397992,
 20439200, 20480408, 20521616, 20562824, 20604032, 20645240, 20686448, 20727656,
 20768864, 20810072, 20851280, 20892488, 20933696, 20974904, 21016112, 21057320,
 21098528, 21139736, 21180944, 21222152, 21263360, 21304568, 21345776, 21386984,
 21428192, 21469400, 21510608, 21551816, 21593024, 21634232, 21675440, 21716648,
 21757856, 21799064, 21840272, 21881480, 21922688, 21963896, 22005104, 22046312,
 22087520, 22128728, 22169936, 22211144, 22252352, 22293560, 22334768, 22375976,
 22417184, 22458392, 22499600, 22540808, 22582016, 22623224, 22664432, 22705640,
 22746848, 22788056, 22829264, 22870472, 22911680, 22952888, 22994096, 23035304,
 23076512, 23117720, 23158928, 23200136, 23241344, 23282552, 23323760, 23364968,
 23406176, 23447384, 23488592, 23529800, 23571008, 23612216, 23653424, 23694632,
 23735840, 23777048, 23818256, 23859464, 23900672, 23941880, 23983088, 24024296,
 24065504, 24106712, 24147920, 24189128, 24230336, 24271544, 24312752, 24353960,
 24395168, 24436376, 24477584, 24518792, 24560000, 24601208, 24642416, 24683624,
 24724832, 24766040, 24807248, 24848456, 24889664, 24930872, 24972080, 25013288,
 25054496, 25095704, 25136912, 25178120, 25219328, 25260536, 25301744, 25342952,
 25384160, 25425368, 25466576, 25507784, 25548992, 25590200, 25631408, 25672616,
 25713824, 25755032, 25796240, 25837448, 25878656, 25919864, 25961072, 26002280,
 26043488, 26084696, 26125904, 26167112, 26208320, 26249528, 26290736, 26331944,
 26373152, 26414360, 26455568, 26496776, 26537984, 26579192, 26620400, 26661608,
 26702816, 26744024, 26785232, 26826440, 26867648, 26908856, 26950064, 26991272,
 27032480, 27073688, 27114896, 27156104, 27197312, 27238520, 27279728, 27320936,
 27362144, 27403352, 27444560, 27485768, 27526976, 27568184, 27609392, 27650600,
 27691808, 27733016, 27774224, 27815432, 27856640, 27897848, 27939056, 27980264,
 28021472, 28062680, 28103888, 28145096, 28186304, 28227512, 28268720, 28309928,
 28351136, 28392344, 28433552, 28474760, 28515968, 28557176, 28598384, 28639592,
 28680800, 28722008, 28763216, 28804424, 28845632, 28886840, 28928048, 28969256,
 29010464, 29051672, 29092880, 29134088, 29175296, 29216504, 29257712, 29298920,
 29340128, 29381336, 29422544, 29463752, 29504960, 29546168, 29587376, 29628584,
 29669792, 29711000, 29752208, 29793416, 29834624, 29875832, 29917040, 29958248,
 29999456, 30040664, 30081872, 30123080, 30164288, 30205496, 30246704, 30287912,
 30329120, 30370328, 30411536, 30452744, 30493952, 30535160, 30576368, 30617576,
 30658784, 30699992, 30741200, 30782408, 30823616, 30864824, 30906032, 30947240,
 30988448, 31029656, 31070864, 31112072, 31153280, 31194488, 31235696, 31276904,
 31318112, 31359320, 31400528, 31441736, 31482944, 31524152, 31565360, 31606568,
 31647776, 31688984, 31730192, 31771400, 31812608, 31853816, 31895024, 31936232,
 31977440, 32018648, 32059856, 32101064, 32142272, 32183480, 32224688, 32265896,
 32307104, 32348312, 32389520, 32430728, 32471936, 32513144, 32554352, 32595560,
 32636768, 32677976, 32719184, 32760392, 32801600, 32842808, 32884016, 32925224,
 32966432, 33007640, 33048848, 33090056, 33131264, 33172472, 33213680, 33254888,
 33296096, 33337304, 33378512, 33419720, 33460928, 33502136, 33543344, 33584552,
 33625760, 33666968, 33708176, 33749384, 33790592, 33831800, 33873008, 33914216,
 33955424, 33996632, 34037840, 34079048, 34120256, 34161464, 34202672, 34243880,
 34285088, 34326296, 34367504, 34408712, 34449920, 34491128, 34532336, 34573544,
 34614752, 34655960, 34697168, 34738376, 34779584, 34820792, 34862000, 34903208,
 34944416, 34985624, 35026832, 35068040, 35109248, 35150456, 35191664, 35232872,
 35274080, 35315288, 35356496, 35397704, 35438912, 35480120, 35521328, 35562536,
 35603744, 35644952, 35686160, 35727368, 35768576, 35809784, 35850992, 35892200,
 35933408, 35974616, 36015824, 36057032, 36098240, 36139448, 36180656, 36221864,
 36263072, 36304280, 36345488, 36386696, 36427904, 36469112, 36510320, 36551528,
 36592736, 36633944, 36675152, 36716360, 36757568, 36798776, 36839984, 36881192,
 36922400, 36963608, 37004816, 37046024, 37087232, 37128440, 37169648, 37210856,
 37252064, 37293272, 37334480, 37375688, 37416896, 37458104, 37499312, 37540520,
 37581728, 37622936, 37664144, 37705352, 37746560, 37787768, 37828976, 37870184,
 37911392, 37952600, 37993808, 38035016, 38076224, 38117432, 38158640, 38199848,
 38241056, 38282264, 38323472, 38364680, 38405888, 38447096, 38488304, 38529512,
 38570720, 38611928, 38653136, 38694344, 38735552, 38776760, 38817968, 38859176,
 38900384, 38941592, 38982800, 39024008, 39065216, 39106424, 39147632, 39188840,
 39230048, 39271256, 39312464, 39353672, 39394880, 39436088, 39477296, 39518504,
 39559712, 39600920, 39642128, 39683336, 39724544, 39765752, 39806960,
newfs: ioctl (WDINFO): Invalid argument
newfs: /dev/rwd0h: can't rewrite disk label
powerbook# fsck_ffs -f -d /dev/rwd0h
** /dev/rwd0h
detected ufs1 superblock not yet updated for ufs2 kernels
clean = 1
** File system is already clean
isappleufs = 1, dirblksiz = 1024
** Last Mounted on
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
1 files, 1 used, 19307899 free (3 frags, 4826974 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)
cache missed 2903 of 2905 (99%)
powerbook# dumpfs /dev/rwd0h | head -40
file system: /dev/rwd0h
endian  big-endian
magic   11954 (UFS1)    time    Sun Feb 13 18:17:43 2005
superblock location     8192    id      [ 420f99c7 f40e9ae ]
cylgrp  dynamic inodes  4.4BSD  sblock  FFSv1   fslevel 3
nbfree  4826974 ndir    1       nifree  4827261 nffree  3
ncg     967     ncyl    967     size    19922944        blocks  19307900
bsize   4096    shift   12      mask    0xfffff000
fsize   1024    shift   10      mask    0xfffffc00
frag    4       shift   2       fsbtodb 1
cpg     1       bpg     5151    fpg     20604   ipg     4992
minfree 5%      optim   time    maxcontig 16    maxbpg  1024
rotdelay 0ms    headswitch 1108318663us trackseek 255912366us   rps     60
ntrak   0       nsect   41208   npsect  41208   spc     41208
symlinklen 60   trackskew 0     interleave 1    contigsumsize 16
maxfilesize 0x000004010040bfff
nindir  1024    inopb   32      nspf    2
avgfilesize 16384       avgfpdir 64
sblkno  16      cblkno  24      iblkno  28      dblkno  652
sbsize  2048    cgsize  4096    offset  0       mask    0xffffffff
csaddr  652     cssize  16384   shift   0       mask    0x00000000
cgrotor 0       fmod    0       ronly   0       clean   0x01
flags   none
(no rotational position table)

        (4983,1,4989,3) (4992,0,4992,0) (4992,0,4992,0) (4992,0,4992,0)
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