Subject: Re: questions about nfs
To: Denis Lagno <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/13/2005 13:13:32
On Sun, Feb 13, 2005 at 12:52:44AM +0300, Denis Lagno wrote:
> I encountered not nice behaviour of nfs in -current.
> I mounted 3 volumes via nfs:
> flam:/		/flam		nfs	ro,noauto		0	0
> flam:/stuffy	/flam/stuffy	nfs	ro,noauto,nosuid,nodev	0	0
> flam:/volatile	/flam/volatile	nfs	rw,noauto		0	0
> flam:/            290799    171643    104617    62%    /flam
> flam:/volatile  19689614   8750118   9955016    46%    /flam/volatile
> flam:/stuffy   111928190  51431130  54900652    48%    /flam/stuffy
> flam:/ on /flam type nfs (read-only)
> flam:/volatile on /flam/volatile type nfs
> flam:/stuffy on /flam/stuffy type nfs (read-only, nosuid, nodev)
> Then flam was rebooted.  After that I still can
> access /flam and /flam/volatile.  However /flam/stuffy appears empty.
> When I execute showmount -a on flam I receive nothing:
> # showmount -a
> All mount points on localhost:

This is normal, only new mounts (from the client POW) are recorded.
Since the client had the FS mounted before the reboot, mountd isn't aware of

> When I try to unmount /flam/stuffy I get:
> # umount -fv /flam/stuffy
> /stuffy: unmount from /flam/stuffy
> umount: /flam/stuffy: Invalid argument
> # mount -uv /flam/stuffy 
> exec: mount_nfs -o update flam:/stuffy /flam/stuffy
> mount_nfs: flam:/stuffy on /flam/stuffy: Invalid argument
> Despite the fact that /flam/stuffy appears empty I have
> open session of xpdf reading book residing on /flam/stuffy,
> and I still can read it.

Did  this filesystem get changed in some way on the server ? It looks like
the filehandle the client has for the mount point isn't valid any more,
which can happen if e.g. the directory was renamed, or moved.

Manuel Bouyer <>
     NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference