Subject: Building pkgsrc for alternative arch or OS rev?
To: None <>
From: Chris Ross <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/26/2004 20:12:49
Hi. My main development machine is an i386 running -current.
I have a few machines that are much slower that are providing most of my
services. Is there a [good] way to build against the obj trees that I
built on this same build machine, so that the pkgsrc binaries are built
run on an alternative arch, or an alternative version of NetBSD?
For example, I need to get a squid to run on an i386 2.0 machine, but
am not sure the IPF stuff built into squid will be the same on the
machine I'm building on. Is there a way I can build pkgsrc against some
alternative set of headers, et al, perhaps with a different toolchain
the like?
- Chris