Subject: Cannot boot NetBSD-2.0_RC1
To: None <>
From: Sigmund Skjelnes <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/06/2004 14:51:06
Hi, all!
I'd just finishing trying to install NetBSD-2.0_RC1 on an new hard 
drive. Upgrading has never been an easy task, so this time I'd got 
prepared with an new hard drive. Even if the installation were a 
complete failure, I'd could just swap some cables and boot the good old 

The old hard drive with NetBSD 1.6 where used to carry the binary 
distribution sets, tried in vain to burn a CD, but file names got 
corrupted, whatever option used on mkisofs and cdrecord. No problem, as 
the old drive could be mounted by the installation program.

The problem is that I am not able to boot from the new hard drive, it 
seems like the boot loader crashes somehow. The usual BIOS memory test, 
drives which have been found and press F2 for setup came up. When 
finished, the display went black, and stayed black, the hard drive is 
working on something, but nothing happens even I'd let it run like this 
for five minutes.

The installation procedure is done according to
and the installation files further down the tree.

No significant problems where encountered during installation. As the 
new hard drive is 40GB, the BIOS might not be able to boot from it, 
altough it detect it properly, the installation procedure where repeated 
with root parition now 1GB instead of ranging the whole disk.  The 
system hang on boot this time as well.

The other common reason for boot failures are that two hard drives on 
the same IDE cable do neccessary not share it without conflicts. I did 
check that the new drive where ahead of the old one in the list of boot 
devices. Disconnected the old drive, but the system hang on boot this 
time also.

If someone do have an idea how to solve this, I'd vould be very grateful 
for any reply, use my email adress if you feel that the rest of the list 
should be kept out, and feel free to ask for more information.
