Subject: Re: questions about pf import
To: NetBSD current users <>
From: Chris Ross <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/29/2004 02:09:18
Chris Ross wrote:
> Peter Postma wrote:
>> 2) Why was spamd(8) imported? It isn't really part of pf (it even works
>>    without running pf). I think that this would be better to have in
>>    pkgsrc (it's currently in wip/spamd).

   I didn't ever see an answer to this.  Why did spamd get imported
to the core?  It's not really part of pf (despite being pf-aware),
and IMHO should be in pkgsrc.  Where is wip/* ?

   Was this specifically approved as part of the approval of pf,
in general?  If so, I would just like to ask y'all to explain
why, cause I don't understand.  I'm sure that's my fault, since
I'm new to the NetBSD system.


                              - Chris