Subject: Re: Significant divergence in UFS?
To: Scott Ellis <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/10/2004 12:07:26
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On Tue, Jun 08, 2004 at 05:42:07PM -0700, Scott Ellis wrote:
> In an attempt to recover some data accidentally deleted by one of my user=
> I've been trying to get either Sleuthkit or TCT working on a UFS1
> filesystem, to no avail.

> ...and then proceeded to make an image of it using makefs, mount it to a
> vnd, delete the "DelDir" and "DelFile" parts, then unmount/unvnconfig the
> file so I could practice file recovery.
> Unfortunately, the tools from SleuthKit and TCT don't seem to operate as
> expected, and my gut tells me it's due to a divergence of NetBSD's on-disk
> format from that of the other BSD's.

I'm not familiar with these tools. However, one problem all the BSDs have=
had is that UFS (both 1 and 2) has not been maintained in a=20
backwards-compatible manner. The fact that adding UFS2 impacted UFS1 has=20
generated a lot of traffic on this list already.

So I'm not surprised if there are issues with the on-disk format diverging=
slightly. However it's not clear if it's that NetBSD has diverged, or that=
we didn't make backwards-incompatible changes. :-)

Take care,


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