Subject: Re: why is MAKEDEV written into src/etc tree?
To: William Allen Simpson <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/12/2004 09:44:45
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On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 04:48:18PM -0500, William Allen Simpson wrote:
  | Each year, the large number of destabilising changes I've observed=20
  | around the beginning of the year causes me to wait for the code to=20
  | settle.  This year was no different, so I've not compiled and installed=
  | a new -current since Dec 24th.  With the recent call for testers, I've=
  | tried for the past couple of days.  No joy!
  | The sticking point today was an attempt to write into src/etc.  It=20
  | appears there are more problems with read-only src (in my case, merely=
  | cvs'ing with a different user than building).
  | It seems to me that should *never* write into the src tree.
  | Using the command (completely fresh, cleaned-out obj):
  |   ./ -O /usr/obj -T ../tools -u -U distribution

Does this occur if you change the objdir to something other than
What about if you use '-M /some/other/dir'?

I successfully build as non-root from a read-only src mountpoint
to an objtree that's not /usr/obj (e.g, "/var/obj/i386") all the time.

I suspect that there may be a problem with '-O /usr/obj' with certain
other conditions, but I haven't determined exactly what these are yet
because I don't hit the problem myself :/

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