Subject: Re: TCP/IP tuning
To: None <>
From: Thomas Miller <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/01/2004 21:07:41 (Michael van Elst) wrote:

> ("Thomas Miller") writes:
> >of the 610 KB/sec capability of my "up to 5 Mbps" 
> >connection.
> A "up to 5 Mbps" connection cannot deliver 610KB/sec
> via FTP. Something like 550KB/sec is more realistic,
> but it could be lower depending on the encoding used
> on your uplink.

Well, if 550 KB/sec is reasonable, then it ought 
to be faster than 320-something (see below).  

Not that I _need_ the connection to be faster.  
It just seems that I should be able to download 
at least sometimes from somewhere at a speed that 
kinda sorta looks a little like the number the 
ISP uses to describe the connection.  :-)

> Can you verify that you use binary FTP transfers ?

I tried my test again tonight just to make sure 
about binary transfers.  The NetBSD ftp client 
does say, "150 Opening BINARY mode data 
connection. . . ."  

Results tonight as reported by the ftp client were 
320.30 KB/sec with net.inet.tcp.recvspace set at 
32768 and 326.78 with recvspace of 65536.  

Again, this is from my ISP's ftp mirror server.  

> Do things change if the file is written to a RAM disk (mfs) ?

Haven't tried this, but I will, and I'll post the 

