Subject: Re: Low AAC performance but only when tested through the file system
To: Olaf Seibert <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/02/2003 09:06:20
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On Dec 2, 2003, at 7:45 AM, Olaf Seibert wrote:

> Isn't that simply always the case? I'm not sure how write size and
> stripe size influence this unless the RAID controller is exceedingly
> stupid and re-creading the parity for the whole stripe if only a single
> sector of it changes. And I've got the write cache turned on so it
> should delay writing a bit until it has an optimal quantity to write
> anyway.

To review: New Parity = Old Parity ^ Old Data ^ New Data.  This holds 
for any block (and its corresponding parity block) within a stripe 

That is the general case.  If the entire stripe happens to be in the 
stripe cache, then obviously it can avoid the read, but for each block 
within the I/O, it must do this computation.

However, if the block starts on a stripe boundary and the I/O size is 
an even multiple of the stripe size, then for each stripe contained in 
the I/O, you can compute parity like this: New Parity = New Data0 ^ New 
Data1 ... ^ New DataN.  Because you don't have to do this 
block-by-block, but instead can do it chunk-by-chunk, the XOR engines 
in the IOPs on the cards can work more efficiently.

> Of course bonnie++ does it tests through the file system so even it
> sequential writes are not necessarily sequential on the disk. But since
> the partition was almost empty, most of it should really be sequential.

Sure, it might be sequential, but the timing of the writes being issued 
can make a difference, also (i.e. some cards will stall a write of a 
chunk within a stripe until the rest of the stripe is written, bounded 
by a timer).

Also remember that a sequential write of your data through the file 
system is causing bitmaps, etc. to be updated as you write, and those 
may cause r/m/w cycles at the RAID controller, as well.

I suggest you try a test with LFS to see if that changes anything.

> I plan to do so, indeed. I am sure there will be a performance
> difference. But I can't believe it would make a difference between 4 
> and
> (say) 40 M/s. There must be more to it than that.

I can believe it.  The fact that you can get 40MB/s using plain RawIO 
tells me there is nothing wrong with the card.  It seems obvious that 
the problem is the I/O pattern that the file system is generating.

         -- Jason R. Thorpe <>

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