Subject: Re: CVS from NetBSD Project Autobuild results
To: William Allen Simpson <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/16/2003 08:53:48
On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 07:16:32AM -0400, William Allen Simpson wrote:
  | > I can certainly understand why somebody would prefer to compile from
  | > sources that are known to compile, especially for a first attempt.
  | And sure enough, last night's failed again due to flist inconsistencies.  

Your build failure was *not* a problem with the sets per se,
but your use of "UPDATE" ( -u) to perform your builds;
the conflicting files are now "obsolete".

You can remove the obsolete files with something like:
	./etc/postinstall -d /path/to/destdir fix obsolete

If an update build fails after that, then we have a sets problem.

Having experienced this issue myself (I use -u), I'm inclined
to add the postinstall fix obsolete step as part of "make distribution".
I will investigate the ramifications of this.

  | ===> command: ./ -O /usr/obj -T ../tools -u distribution
  | ===> started: Mon Jul 14 23:01:38 EDT 2003

  | ...
  | (cd /home/current/src/distrib/sets && /home/current/src/../tools/bin/nbmake checkflist)
  | DESTDIR=/usr/obj/destdir.i386  MACHINE=i386 MACHINE_ARCH=i386  CKSUM=/home/current/src/../tools/bin/nbcksum MAKE=/home/current/src/../tools/bin/nbmake MTREE=/home/current/src/../tools/bin/nbmtree  PAX=/home/current/src/../tools/bin/nbpax sh /home/current/src/distrib/sets/checkflist
  | 1477a1478,1480
  | > ./usr/include/milter
  | > ./usr/include/milter/mfapi.h
  | > ./usr/include/milter/mfdef.h
  | 8789a8793
  | > ./usr/share/man/cat8/i386/installboot.0
  | 14275a14280
  | > ./usr/share/man/man8/i386/installboot.8
  | checkflist: flist inconsistencies found
  | checkflist: key to output:
  |   <  file is in flist but missing from DESTDIR
  |      (file wasn't installed ?)
  |   >  file is in DESTDIR but missing from flist
  |      (file is obsolete or flist is out of date ?)
  | *** Error code 1
  | Stop.
  | nbmake: stopped in /home/current/src/distrib/sets
  | -- 
  | William Allen Simpson
  |     Key fingerprint =  17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26  DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32