Subject: Re: daily (& security) mail not delivered
To: None <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/30/2003 11:34:36
>> >This is all quite disastrous on low-memory machines, I now need sendmail 
>> >running on my machine just to be able to redirect local root mail to 
>> >myself (the main mail servers send root mail to the sysadmins), and that 
>> >daemon is wasting nearly a Meg of RAM and a process slot (according to 
>> >'top').  Postfix isn't any better in this regard.  It has something like 
>> >three daemons running in the basic dumb-client configuration.
>> well, yes, but then you don't suffer as much in startup costs whenever
>> sendmail is invoked to collect local mail, since most of the memory
>> will end up shared.  but that's a silly argument.
>> your point about postfix is true, but conversely, under high load,
>> postfix has a better memory footprint than sendmail.  sendmail starts
>> lower tehn postfix, but grows more quickly with load.  postfix starts
>> higher, but its growth curve is much shallower under load.  for
>> whatever that's worth.
>Sadly it's worth nothing in this case.  The machine in question is never 
>used to read mail (it all goes to the hub which then spits it out to 
>wherever is appropriate), and only generates about 4 messages a day (most 
>of those are nightly log runs).  It really isn't cost-effective to be 
>running a sendmail daemon for that; yet now there is no choice in the 

oh, no, not at all.  if you really have a mail-hub that handles all
your mail, then just make your own that points to the
mail-hub instead of to localhost.  boom.  you're done.  simpler than

|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|             * "ah!  i see you have the internet (Andrew Brown)                that goes *ping*!"       * "information is power -- share the wealth."