Subject: Re: replacing sendmail with postfix default
To: None <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/29/2003 20:58:41
>>What are the problems with postfix in the tree?  I don't see a lot of 
>>problem reports, and many of the public and private comments I've seen 
>>indicate that many folks are running postfix. 
>The main problem with postfix is that it needs to have some documentation.
>Setting it up to receive mail and deliver system mail to a central system
>on the network is no problem, but actually using it for the main mail server
>in a domain is somewhat left to the imagination. It seems to use flat files
>rather than databases for spam control, which must lead to performance
>problems when access databases get as large as the are today.
>There seems to be dozens of postfix sample files that have little or no
>explanation about their purpose in life. The file seems to be in
>a constance state of flux, where the order of entries change slightly with
>every release. This makes it difficult to upgrade easily on a previously
>configured server.
>Sendmail works fine. It is documented in detail in books. I set it up the
>first time back in the eighties via "man sendmail".

that change was specifically to "re-enable" sendmail as the default
mta in the face of "no mta works at all".

that said, it seems i have to go update the afterboot documentation
that i never read.  :)

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