Subject: Re: monolithic roots (Re: Rototil of sysinst partitioning code)
To: Wojciech Puchar <>
From: Martin Husemann <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/09/2003 09:51:21
On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 09:36:52AM +0200, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
> remove sysinst at all and put some docs about how to install system
> normally (disklabel, newfs, tar/pax, installboot).

If you know NetBSD installing it manually is very, very easy. I do it a lot,
but I also use sysinst a lot. Actually the only difficult point on archs you
don't know much about is getting a disk bootable. Sysinst does that just fine
for you, normally. Sysinst is also sometimes faster/easier/more convenient to
use, even if you know how to do a manual install.

We don't force you to use sysinst.

> there is no "right way" and the way should be up to user.

Agreed. That's why sysinst has several disk layout variants, one of which is
"user defined".

Extend this to the choice of using sysinst or not.

> and sysinst isn't much useful anyway.

To you. But to someone who only did install windows before, doing a manual
NetBSD install is no good advice - no matter how much docs we'd put up on
the web for this.


P.S.: I'd actually like sysinst to play promotional movies while installing
from DVD on modern hardware, but I know this is not going to happen (for lack
of appropriate movies, I guess).