Subject: Re: python, threads, zope, stack problems?
To: MLH <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/28/2003 17:25:33
On 28 May 2003, MLH wrote:

> I am running NetBSD 1.6T (-current) and am trying to investigate
> what look like stack problems with python threads in Zope.

They probalby are stack problems. The current pthread implementation gives
the main process only 256k worth of stack, which python blows through.

> Basically, when I call a python method (such as an external method,
> to make it simpler to trace), the method parameters tend to get
> trashed, even when calling using named parameters.
> For example, with the following call method :
>     def gtfamlist (self, dcpgset='', separator='\t', REQUEST=None,
> 	RESPONSE=None):
> self is handled properly,
> dcpgset and separator are typically null,
> the value being passed into dcpgset is passed into an *extra* parameter after
> separator and before REQUEST,
> and REQUEST and RESPONSE are passed correctly.
> (I have to add an extra parameter to be able to call this method)
> This problem comes and goes to some unknown whim, and sure looks
> like a stack problem to me. Anyone else seeing this?

Take care,
