Subject: current i386 build problem
To: NetBSD-current <>
From: Bryan J Phillippe <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/23/2003 00:04:49
  sh -e   && touch work.built
Creating image into ramdisk-tiny.fs...
rm -f ramdisk-tiny.fs ramdisk-tiny.fs.tmp
/usr/home/bryan/etc/src/NetBSD/current/src/tools/obj/tools.NetBSD-1.6Q-i386/bin/nbmakefs -t ffs -B le -s 1480k -F work.spec  -N /usr/home/bryan/etc/src/NetBSD/current/src/etc -o bsize=4096,fsize=512  -o optimization=space,minfree=0  -f 10 -f 14 ramdisk-tiny.fs.tmp work  && mv -f ramdisk-tiny.fs.tmp ramdisk-tiny.fs
nbmakefs: `work' size of 1519616 is larger than the maxsize of 1515520.
*** Error code 1


# Software Engineer