Subject: Re: galeon is failing on 1.6R
To: Greywolf <>
From: Nathan J. Williams <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/22/2003 13:03:49
Greywolf <> writes:

> SMB> This is when lyx-qt was exiting.  I just rebuilt it, from the latest
> SMB> CVS pkgsrc I had, from some time yesterday.  (Lyx is hardly a priority
> SMB> for me, but I wonder if we're going to have to find some way to be
> SMB> bug-compatible with all the penguin-oriented packages out there.)
> Oh, that would just be Wrong, suck rocks through a rope (big square ones),
> and any other strong metaphor one could conjure appropriate to measures
> of bogosity.
> You'd think that with open source they'd be more receptive to having patches
> incorporated, but the attitude with some of them seems to be reminiscent of
> our favourite nemesis.

There's no need to be so harsh. So far, the pthread locking bugs I've
found in applications had already been fixed in upstream (though not
necessarily released) versions.

        - Nathan