Subject: Re: 1.6Q Alpha MySQL 4.x
To: None <>
From: Caffeinate The World <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/10/2003 02:30:45
--- John Hayward <> wrote:
> Dear Thomas,
> Did you look at NetBSD Problem Report #19105?

Just now I did.

> I have been enjoying this patch which allows for use of innodb tables
> (with foreign keys).

I didn't explicitly define --with-innodb so I've not tested that

> This PR seems to have problems with termination.  I also have had
> difficulty connecting via mysqladmin.  This was with version 3.23.53
> (not 4.xx).

I used to have the same termination problem before 3.23.5x. To my
knowledge, all of it was related to pthread and the Alpha 64-bit.

> Does your implementation resolve this problem.

Not "my" implementation. I just compiled 4.x straight out of the box.

Just now I tried to shut it down with ./mysqladmin -p shutdown and it
didn't shut down. I experienced this same problem with pkg before
3.23.5x. I guess I'll try adding


I'll recompile and let you know.

The only thing I did that was different from my normal configure script
was to NOT use --without-readline so it would use MySQL's built-in. If
I used --without-readline and hoped that it would find readline in pkg,
that's not happening. It'll compile all the way through, but craps out
when you start the server. Only viewing /var/log/messages could you see

> johnh...
> On Wed, 9 Apr 2003, Caffeinate The World wrote:
> >I compiled MySQL on my Alpha running 1.6Q using NetBSD's native
> >pthread. I'm happy to say that it's working out just fine. I'll
> report
> >back in a few weeks after it has some stress.
> >
> >Thomas
> >
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