Subject: Re: crossbuild of current failure
To: None <>
From: Valeriy E. Ushakov <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/02/2003 16:05:16
On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 05:17:42 +0100, Dunc wrote:

> am trying to build netbsd/sparc current on a freebsd box:
> ran build with:
> [dunc@null src]$ ./ -D /usr/home/dunc/netbsdcross/dist -m sparc -R /usr/home/dunc/netbsdcross/release -T /usr/home/dunc/netbsdcross/tools -U release

I don't think you can do -U release on freebsd because of
toolchain/20051 (not sure about doing a priviliged release).
Building distribution should be ok, though (e.g. I built a sparc one
on Mar 31).

SY, Uwe
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