Subject: Re: Updating CVS to current
To: Jean-Luc Wasmer <>
From: Pavel Cahyna <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/27/2003 17:00:34
> I'm trying to update cvs and only cvs.

I had a similar problem. I wanted to make a specific distributon floppy
(to test a change Jaromir Dolecek made to better support IBM PS/2). I
wanted to build just this floppy, not all the release, because it would
require an unreasonable amount of time and disk space. I supposed that
typing nbmake-i386 (after having build the tools) would build the floppy
after building the kernel, binairies, librairies etc. needed by it, and
only them. But it didn't know how to compile the dependencies, so I had
to compile every dependency (and dependencies of the dependencies etc.)
separately. It was quite frustrating and making the whole release would
probably be more convenient (if the disk space was available). 

One would think that the whole purpose of make is to handle dependencies
automatically, but that's not the case. (This was on 1.6, but current is
probably the same).

Could the syspkgs (or how it is exactly called) solve this?

Bye	Pavel