Subject: RE: ntop2 vs threads
To: 'Nathan J. Williams' <>
From: Bevan Anderson <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/06/2003 22:21:00
> Jon Olsson <> writes:
> > Michael Graff wrote:
> > > assertion "0" failed: file "/u0/OS/src/lib/libpthread/pthread.c", 
> > > line 341, function "pthread__idle"
> > 
> > FWIW, I also got that assertion when running phoenix on a fairly 
> > recent current system.
> Okay, I think I've fixed the problem underlying the assertion 
> in pthread__idle(). src/sys/kern/kern_sa.c:1.5.

As another datapoint;

I've been using an up-to-date kernel (kern_sa.c:1.7) and am still getting
assertion errors in pthread__idle as above.

I am trying to come up with a decent test case, but havent got an easily
testable one yet. I am seeing these errors with a treaded backup package
called Bacula, but it takes some effort to get it to a working setup. Not
good for testing this problem.
