Subject: Unable to newfs logical disk in 1.6I-i386
To: None <>
From: Sean J. Schluntz <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/09/2002 09:34:56

I have a Compaq dual PPro 200 with the Compaq SMART2 RAID card
on it.  It has two logical disk setups, ld0 (a two disk mirror)
and ld1 (a seven disk RAID5).

NetBSD 1.6-release from the ISO images was able to disklabel both
logical disks and lay out a file system.  I then sup'd down 1.6I
(sup marked 1033814515) and build a new kernel (which works great
with both processors) and then build the world.

Now I get a sector 16 read-only error when trying to run newfs on
the ld1a partition. This is with the GENERIC.MP as well as the 
GENERIC kernels.

Here is the disklabel info on the logical disk:

# disklabel /dev/ld1
# /dev/ld1d:
type: ld
disk: unknown
label: fictitious
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 128
sectors/cylinder: 8064
cylinders: 6237
total sectors: 50299515
rpm: 7200
interleave: 1
trackskew: 0
cylinderskew: 0
headswitch: 0           # microseconds
track-to-track seek: 0  # microseconds
drivedata: 0 

16 partitions:
#        size    offset     fstype  [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
 a:  50299515         0     4.2BSD   2048 16384    46   # (Cyl.    0 - 6237*)
 d:  50299515         0     unused      0     0         # (Cyl.    0 - 6237*)

Here is the newfs output:

# newfs /dev/ld1a
Warning: 3720 sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated
/dev/ld1a:      50299512 sectors in 6238 cylinders of 128 tracks, 63 sectors
        24560.3MB in 136 cyl groups (46 c/g, 181.12MB/g, 22784 i/g)
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
       32,   371040,   742048,  1113056,  1484064,  1855072,  2226080,
  2597088,  2968096,  3339104,  3710112,  4081120,  4452128,  4823136,
  5194144,  5565152,  5936160,  6307168,  6678176,  7049184,  7420192,
  7791200,  8162208,  8533216,  8904224,  9275232,  9646240, 10017248,
 10388256, 10759264, 11130272, 11501280, 11872288, 12243296, 12614304,
 12985312, 13356320, 13727328, 14098336, 14469344, 14840352, 15211360,
 15582368, 15953376, 16324384, 16695392, 17066400, 17437408, 17808416,
 18179424, 18550432, 18921440, 19292448, 19663456, 20034464, 20405472,
 20776480, 21147488, 21518496, 21889504, 22260512, 22631520, 23002528,
 23373536, 23744544, 24115552, 24486560, 24857568, 25228576, 25599584,
 25970592, 26341600, 26712608, 27083616, 27454624, 27825632, 28196640,
 28567648, 28938656, 29309664, 29680672, 30051680, 30422688, 30793696,
 31164704, 31535712, 31906720, 32277728, 32648736, 33019744, 33390752,
 33761760, 34132768, 34503776, 34874784, 35245792, 35616800, 35987808,
 36358816, 36729824, 37100832, 37471840, 37842848, 38213856, 38584864,
 38955872, 39326880, 39697888, 40068896, 40439904, 40810912, 41181920,
 41552928, 41923936, 42294944, 42665952, 43036960, 43407968, 43778976,
 44149984, 44520992, 44892000, 45263008, 45634016, 46005024, 46376032,
 46747040, 47118048, 47480864, 47851872, 48222880, 48593888, 48964896,
 49335904, 49706912, 50077920,
wtfs: write error for sector 16: Read-only file system

Any suggestions on how I can handle this?

